Oregon Public Schools Thinking About Proficiency

July 20, 2011

The July 10 headline in the Oregonian blared “Oregon education reform bills aim to create more flexible, individualized public schools”.

The front-page article notes “In the typical Oregon public school classroom, students of the same age work at achievement levels that often vary by two or three grades, sometimes more…” The Oregon legislature adopted a “bill pushed by Kitzhaber to create paths from pre-school through college on which students advance at their own paces.” “Kitzhaber envisions … using financial incentives to shift the focus of public education from what he calls “seat time” to learning.” “This shift would make public schools”.. a place “where students advance based on what they know and can do rather than on how much time they spend in school.”

“A more individualized approach to education would be more efficient by allowing some students to advance faster while reducing needs for remediation, said Duncan Wyse, president of the Oregon Business Council who is helping Kitzhaber design a budget based on outcomes. It also fits the growing diversity of Oregon’s school population and suits learning for the 21st Century better than the current system rooted in the 19th Century, he said.”

Hmmm…this is a great new idea!  Wished I’d thought of it……(smile)…..

Posted by Mr. Mark Siegel on Wednesday July 20, 2011 at 09:10AM

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