The Business Education Compact (BEC), a non-profit organization whose mission is “to bring local businesses and schools together to provide real-world, hands-on learning experiences that expand opportunities for historically underserved students,†is offering a free…
[podcast src=”” height=”100″ width=”450″ placement=”top”]“Ask a roomful of five-year-olds how many are artists and every hand will shoot up.  Ask a roomful of thirty-five-year-olds the same question and you get one reluctant hand.†Listen to…
[podcast src=”” height=”100″ width=”450″] Listen to Dr. Mark Siegel discuss with one of Delphian School’s Juniors, Pruette, how the transition from the traditional grading system to using only proficiency grading would work.
[podcast src=”” height=”100″ width=”450″] The Issues with Outdated Education, Sal Khan, and the Mastery Transcript Consortium Dr. Mark Siegel interviews Lauren, a Junior at OSU (Oregon State University) about her experience with her education and…
The New Basics Today’s educational system is outdated: we cannot predict the future of the next generation; instead, we must look at the new basics for educating. As Dr. Mark Seigel says, “we must start…
 Are there other options? Dr. Mark Siegel defines ‘college admissions insanity’ and offers a different perspective on the college application process.
Resistance to Change and Following Fads Dr. Mark Siegel describes what makes change so difficult in the current educational system and why we are prone to following fads.
 Bonus Podcast 2: Dr. Mark Siegel addresses shortcomings of the letter grading system. This is part two of a two-part series.
Bonus Podcast 1: Dr. Mark Siegel addresses shortcomings of the letter grading system. This is part one of a two-part series.
For its 40th Anniversary, Smithsonian Magazine just published “40 Things You Need to Know About the Next Forty Years†If you think about education you have to think about the future.  How can we best…